Triple H will be broadcasting a special show for International Men’s Day this Saturday 19th November between 12 and 3pm
Lucy Dahill will host the conversation around this year’s theme Stop Male Suicide by having conversations with a variety of people who have either a lived experience, are working in industries with high suicide rates, are people who are speaking up in order to be the change they want to see in the world by starting in their own unique way. Join Gus Worland, The Honourable Julian Leeser and as well as a panel of experts and other guest interviews this Saturday 12th November between 12 noon and 3pm on TripleH 100.1fm. Check out the interviews in the Read more section. For support please contact any of these organisations: Lifeline 13 11 14 MensLine 1300 789 978 beyondblue 1300 224 636 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800. @beyondthedark16
We can take the opportunity afforded to us by this day to make a difference to men and boys.
The International Men’s day Website calls for
We hope what you will find is a show that touches on all those things and takes them all deeper to show we don’t’ just want a better we want true, real, honest, which means we sometimes have to be raw and vulnerable. As you can see there are many services that can support in this process. Here are the links to all the individual interviews as well as the panel discussion! They are featured in order of transmission.
Andrew and Pete fro 2HHH Show Us Your Motor share their take on International Men's Day and hit on some hot topics.
Gus Worland who works as a Radio presenter on MMM sharing with us what he learnt from his experience of making ‘Man Up’
Tom Harkin who works as an international facilitator supporting men of all ages and all walks of life to break down stereotypes and allow themselves to talk openly about how they feel.
Adam Warburton who works in the construction industry to talk about the endemic bullying cultures and how he is finding a new way to be in that industry.
Round table experts discussion
David Citer who works as a counsellor in private practice specializing in child, adolescent and young adult mental health. Geoff McGrath who works as a General Practitioner in Fox Valley Medical Centre Stephen Gammack who works in fitness and exercise specializing in fitness programming for general, youth and ageing populations
Megan Adriessen who works as a counsellor for Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury talking about supporting men through their services.
Paul Schiebaan from Ku-ring-gai Men’s Shed talking about the opportunities for support offered by the Men’s Shed organisation
Julian Leeser who works as a politician and how his own experience of his father’s suicide has shaped the way he approaches is work today.
Further resources
Gus Worland and Man Up - Tom Harkin - Lifeline - Harbour to Hawkesbury - Ku-ring-gai Mens Shed - David Citer - Dr Geoffrey McGrath - Stephen Gammack - Article - John Brogden talks about suicide - Article - John Brogden talks about the danger of normalising suicide - Audio - Kira Dart – Beyond the Dark Life Matters Interview Audio - Parents urged not to suicide Kira Dart and John Brogden Life Matters - Blog - Haunted by the desire to not live: Finding my way back to my true self Article - Adam Warburton and Toni Steenson – bullying and suicide in construction Article - Doctors and mental health The World Today -,-stigma-and-workload-driving-suicide/7835952 Comments are closed.
AuthorLucy Dahill is the presenter of Stay in the Loop with Lucy, she has a passion for offering people the platform to share their voice. Young, old or somewhere in between we all have wisdom to share if we trust our hearts over our heads. |