We have all taken exams, we may even be likely to be around students taking exams, and let's be honest, it can be a time that is full of anxiety, stress and dysfunctional behaviour. Yet does it need to be this way? I put the case for a different way to approach stress, anxiety and exam pressure and have support from Nina Stabey who talks about the effects of stress on the digestive system and Stephen Gammack who talks about the importance of exercise and movement as part of a study plan. Top tips:
Further resources
Remember if you are running from a saber toothed tiger your body is not going to want to digest food. But you are NOT being chased by a saber toothed tiger so take a break, don't be in a rush. Take your time and enjoy your meal, then you will know when you are full and when you have eaten something that supports your brain. Some foods help you remain feeling light and awake and there are others that just feel heavy and make you want to fall asleep! Exercise is a must - when you hear what Stephen says about our connective tissue and the importance of exercise for mental and physical health you will enjoy taking a break and see how much more productive you will be afterwards.
Get in contact with Nina Stabey Get in contact with Stephen Gammack Soul Fit 8 week Live Love Nourish Program Great support for parents ReachOut.com Comments are closed.
AuthorLucy Dahill is the presenter of Stay in the Loop with Lucy, she has a passion for offering people the platform to share their voice. Young, old or somewhere in between we all have wisdom to share if we trust our hearts over our heads. |